Unit tests are not often the first thing on someone’s mind when it comes to coding, unless you are in the small group of developers that have become accustomed to writing tests before writing any code. Thanks to the current project I'm busy with I have joined this group.
Due to a few (lame) reasons, unit testing has never been a high priority on Infinitas. In all the wisdom of hindsight unit t…
I just pushed some changes to Infinitas that has made a huge difference in the page load times. As you have seen in some of my previous posts, Infinitas serves loads of asset files. On average one JavaScript file and one css file, along with all the images. This equates to around 40 or 50 requests per page.
A little while back I added the code for generating symlinks automatically and although…
If you been to my site before you will notice some changes. A few more links added to the nav bar with some new content.
As I said before I will be keeping my site running a standard version of Infinitas (with some of the available plugins), so that you may get a glimpse into what it has on offer. All the posts from before have been using the Blog Plug-in that was coded for Infinitas. The abou…
So the Windows 3.1 was not working for you? Even though there was mixed reactions, I thought it was pretty cool. So I scraped a bit of time together and started work on a new layout. Ill be sticking with this one for a while, although I will most likely be tweaking it as time goes on.
If you are using internet-shitty, tough luck. I'm using a lot of css3 and html5 and as time goes on there will…
Infinitas has seen some huge changes in the structure, if you been following the development you would have noticed. Besides removing a lot of code (about 50k lines or so) much of the code has new homes. With all the development going on some plug-ins were getting a bit full of unrelated code and it was decided that everything should be split up.
The new structure has a lot to do with the core…
Why another CMS? Its a mixture of reasons, of which the main ones are:
- Tired of writing the same code all the time.
- Good way to learn CakePHP inside out.
- For the most part other open source systems don't always fill the gap.
I found out about Php around 5 years ago playing with other Open Source systems such as Joomla, Zen-Cart and the likes. Doing quite a lot of custom development…
Welcome to my blog. As I’m sure most of you know, I am a Php developer and have been for about 5 years. I have been using CakePHP for the last 2 years, and is by far my framework of choice.
I started the Infinitas project in December '09 and figured now that its usable its time to do my own blog. Its most probably going to be a mix of CakePHP and Infinitas, but I am sure there will be some of …