
Infinitas has seen some huge changes in the structure, if you been following the development you would have noticed. Besides removing a lot of code (about 50k lines or so) much of the code has new homes. With all the development going on some plug-ins were getting a bit full of unrelated code and it was decided that everything should be split up.

The new structure has a lot to do with the core installer also. During the development of the new installer for Infinitas we figured that its going to be a pita supporting different code to "install" the core and "plug-ins" so we decided that the best thing to do is make the core resemble the normal plug-ins other developers would build and use. All the points adding up against the old structure things changed.

The most notable changes is the missing Infinitas folder, where here there was three plug-in directories (libs, core, user) there is now only two by default (core and user). Having a look at the current core directory you will see many plug-ins (currently 27) that make up the core of Infinitas, most of them only having one or two models to deal with.

Along with the new installer and structure came speed. Not only was code moved around but quite a bit of optimizing was also done. There is no official before and after data, but around 20% faster than before with around 10% less memory usage. Page load times with debug on 2 (no cache etc) is around 1.5 seconds and memory usage is around 9mb for the average request. Running the debug kit benchmark is showing about 60 seconds to do 100 requests (0.6 seconds per request average) with debug kit off.

The code base for the core is now around 50k lines according to, showing a big drop from around 140k lines of code. This is mostly due to the fact that plug-ins like the blog, cms and shop have been moved out of the core. The idea being that you may only want to use a blog or cart but not both of them together.

The plug-ins that were in the core are still available via submodules, and will be included in the main releases. We are planning to have a few different releases and a down loader similar to the one on the jQuery UI site.

Apart from that its been another month of over 500 commits, so things have progressed nicely. If you keen on trying it out head over to Github and download it (or clone it if you are using git). The new installer is working great things are pretty usable.