
Software development (also known as application development, software design, designing software, software application development, enterprise application development, or platform development) is the development of a software product. The term "software development" may be used to refer to the activity of computer programming, which is the process of writing and maintaining the source code, but in a broader sense of the term it includes all that is involved between the conception of the desired software through to the final manifestation of the software, ideally in a planned and structured process. Therefore, software development may include research, new development, prototyping, modification, reuse, re-engineering, maintenance, or any other activities that result in software products.

Software development on Wikipedia

Time for something new

I've never been a hard core gamer, only the occasional binge. That's probably why I've never looked into game development. Even back in high school when time was abundant, I never managed to completelu finish any games. Things like Diablo II were binged to death, but I dont recall getting much past level 40-50. I played many hours of StarCraft, WarCraft (not WoW) and AOE2 but never once played a …


CakePHP schema checker

If you have seen the previous tool I built for converting raw SQL to CakePHP code you might have an idea what is coming. There was good feedback from the initial tool so I have built something similar for people migrating legacy apps and newcomers alike.

Instead of conversions, this time it helps find specific errors in your schema. For example if you are using a field like user_id it will exp…


Cache all CakePHP find queries

I have been adding some cache to Infinitas recently and found it rather difficult to cache all find queries without having to overload and rewrite the entire Model::find() method. While its not the most complicated method in the world, its not DRY rewriting it and some time in the future its likely to bite me in the arse when something changes.

A basic way to cache the queries is as follows:


How to convert SQL to CakePHP find

There are a lot of newcomers asking the same question on CakePHP's IRC channel, Stack Overflow and various other places, and that question is how to convert a SQL query into the corresponding CakePHP code.

Once you have been using CakePHP for a while the ORM becomes second nature and its pretty easy to see how a query will fit into a Model::find(). I normally break the SQL up into the various …


CakePHP inflector sandbox

I built this little tool a while ago because of the large amount of people that kept asking about how the inflector in CakePHP works or why their model was not working correctly. As cake works on conventions almost every class name and table name is generated using the inflector.

The inflector is used to convert from urls to controllers, from controller names to model names and so on. In versi…


Custom view class - Zend, CakePHP, Symfony and Kohana

There are a lot of sites out there that benchmark frameworks. Every time there is a new benchmark, there is a huge outcry from the loosing sides followers. To date there has not been anything that I know of that has not been bias or meaningful, as the person doing the benchmarking does not know each of the frameworks and its normally a 'hello world' application which is completely pointless as I …


A few updates to my blog

Super quick today, just activated the twitter plug-in so things will be a little bit more social :). The twitter auth is read only so I wont be doing any funny things to your account when you are not looking

I also added some new modules, down the bottom of every page is some links to other blogs I read. On the right is a box of "latest posts" for quick links to the new stuff.

I have also …


Huge speed gains for Infinitas

I just pushed some changes to Infinitas that has made a huge difference in the page load times. As you have seen in some of my previous posts, Infinitas serves loads of asset files. On average one JavaScript file and one css file, along with all the images. This equates to around 40 or 50 requests per page.

A little while back I added the code for generating symlinks automatically and although…


Infinitas is almost beta

If you been to my site before you will notice some changes. A few more links added to the nav bar with some new content.

As I said before I will be keeping my site running a standard version of Infinitas (with some of the available plugins), so that you may get a glimpse into what it has on offer. All the posts from before have been using the Blog Plug-in that was coded for Infinitas. The abou…


Time for a new layout with the new Infinitas

So the Windows 3.1 was not working for you? Even though there was mixed reactions, I thought it was pretty cool. So I scraped a bit of time together and started work on a new layout. Ill be sticking with this one for a while, although I will most likely be tweaking it as time goes on.

If you are using internet-shitty, tough luck. I'm using a lot of css3 and html5 and as time goes on there will…



Infinitas has seen some huge changes in the structure, if you been following the development you would have noticed. Besides removing a lot of code (about 50k lines or so) much of the code has new homes. With all the development going on some plug-ins were getting a bit full of unrelated code and it was decided that everything should be split up.

The new structure has a lot to do with the core…


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