Infinitas is almost beta

If you been to my site before you will notice some changes. A few more links added to the nav bar with some new content.

As I said before I will be keeping my site running a standard version of Infinitas (with some of the available plugins), so that you may get a glimpse into what it has on offer. All the posts from before have been using the Blog Plug-in that was coded for Infinitas. The abou…


Google's new mod_pagespeed for Apache


The bug I submitted about the cached names being to long has been fixed. More information is available here. I have not tested it yet, but hope to do so shortly.

Google has released mod_pagespeed for Apache, a module that brings promise of faster page loads and less bandwidth usage, lowering costs and making everyone happy. Is it possible that this could work as well as APC? sudo apt…


PHP APC - make your app super fast!

One of the many advantages of using Ubuntu over windows is the ability to install and test out all the plug-ins available for PHP. One of them being APC (Alternative PHP Cache).

I just upgraded to the latest Ubuntu 10.10 and figured I would take a quick screen shot, for anyone that is doubting how much something like APC can affect an application. When I first found out about them, I did not t…


Removing the www sub domain from your url

For the most part, the www in a domain is pretty pointless. In general it's only there to make you type 4 extra characters to get to the site you want. It can also cause you a lot of pain trying to develop Ajax applications as I once found out.

There I was tying to get some Ajax working on a client site I was busy with only to be given some error about cross domain Ajax being disabled or not a…


Using other apps with CakePHP - htaccess config

One thing that is asked quite a lot on #cakephp is how to use other apps alongside CakePHP, and the answer giving is normally pretty ugly. Stick the files/folders in side webroot/. Although that does work, its not very nice. So ill show you a little trick with .htaccess files.

The first (really simple way) is to use a .htaccess inside the sub folder. For example you can have a copy of Joomla! …


Time for a new layout with the new Infinitas

So the Windows 3.1 was not working for you? Even though there was mixed reactions, I thought it was pretty cool. So I scraped a bit of time together and started work on a new layout. Ill be sticking with this one for a while, although I will most likely be tweaking it as time goes on.

If you are using internet-shitty, tough luck. I'm using a lot of css3 and html5 and as time goes on there will…