Batch convert NEF (raw) to PNG

Here is a simple script for converting raw NEF files from a Nikon to PNG format. It uses the convert utility which can handle a large variety of file types and has various options for the conversion. This is just a simple script that will generate a PNG that is either 1024 px wide or high.

#      Convert files to png      #


Nikon raw images on Ubuntu 12.04

Since switching to Ubuntu 12.04 sometime last year I have not been able to see thumbnails of images shot in raw format. Specifically I have a Nikon camera that shoots NEF files which even after installing various tools such as UFRaw still did not work. Eventually I wrote a small bash script for converting NEF to PNG so I could see what the image was without having to open each one in UFRaw first.…


CakePHP inflector sandbox

I built this little tool a while ago because of the large amount of people that kept asking about how the inflector in CakePHP works or why their model was not working correctly. As cake works on conventions almost every class name and table name is generated using the inflector.

The inflector is used to convert from urls to controllers, from controller names to model names and so on. In versi…


The moon

I got a telescope for Christmas 2012 which is pretty cool. The telescope has a 102mm objective diameter and a focal length of 1100mm, with a maximum magnification of 400x. Christmas happened to fall on a full moon and clear night so I was able to test it out without having to wait much.

The moon

This photo was taken with my phone, just holding the camera lense upto the telescope eye piece. Its rath…


Moving from SVN to Git

I needed to convert a repository from SVN to GIT a while ago and created a little script to help move everything over. It works on standard SVN repositories so if you have one that is configured in a different manor to the default it may not work as expected.

Always make a backup, or better yet run this script on a copy of the repository. Use git svn to clone the repository, then run the scrip…


CakePHP 2.x running on Cherokee webserver

Its no secret that Apache is bloated, or that there are many decent replacements. Cherokee is one of them and a good one at that. I have been running Cherokee for a couple of years now without any issues, for both personal and client applications. One of the things that drew me to Cherokee was the GUI admin interface. GUI's may not be to every ones taste, but it beats sifting through config files…